
Monday 29 July 2024

More thoughts on starting from scratch .. my 'great reset' of sorts

Here's something that will upset the truthers. I don't think that a great reset of some sort (done in a good way) would be a bad thing, in the long term. I also think that a 15 minute city, if it was done in the right way, could work well. 

The issue is more that those who think they rule the world want to pervert these ideas and make them into one big surveillance scheme, to name but one thing. Plus, in England (notice I said England rather than UK), the population density is very high and the reliance on cars is just as high, and it would be quite difficult to implement anything that would benefit the general population. 

And also - the initial process could and likely would be hellish - certainly if my own personal experiences are anything to go by. 

We get so used to living in a particular way and lifestyle, that when something comes to challenge our comfort zone, and not only that, but completely dismantle some of the things that we hold dear, it is a process that it is extremely unpleasant to go through, and one which I wouldn't recommend. 

On a wider level, it is obvious that big changes need to happen in the world. But it isn't going to come easily. And many people just want to stay as they are because they don't want things to get any worse. Which is quite understandable. But - there may come a time when life takes a sharp turn, and there is little or nothing we can do to stop it. 

I can't say how things are going to pan out for society as a whole. I just don't know. Some people keep mentioning Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset, and I do think there could be something big in 2030, but I don't know this - and I think it's slightly foolish for people to talk about certain things as if they are facts. This year, 2024, has been huge on an energetic level - so many people have been going through huge processes where they can no longer hide from themselves. 

Change starts with ourselves. Yes, I know this is a cliche, but we can't expect things in society to get better if none of us are facing our own shit. In a nutshell, a reset effectively strips away anything that is not real, and also helps us face what is real. It gives us an opportunity to see the ways in which we've been programmed, what we can and cannot change (and maybe I'll do a post on things we cannot change at another time). 

Image courtesy of Flickr

Also, it can give us a chance to re-evaluate what ticks our boxes and resonates with us, and what doesn't. One area where this is very relevant to me at present is that of spirituality and the spiritual community. It's so easy to belong to a particular group and blindly follow everything they do and be into exactly the same things, without really thinking 'does this really resonate with who I am at a core level'? We can even go along with things we don't enjoy in order to please others. When I was heavily involved in church, I was very obedient and went along with things that I would never accept now - such as playing the saxophone every single week unless I was away. But I think the point where I knew deep down that I was not entirely at ease with their way of thinking was when they seemed to fall in love with Nandos - a restaurant chain that has never been one of my favourites - and base part of their activity, perhaps even identity, round it. 
Not that long after, I had my first big identity crisis, and to cut a long story short, I left Christianity and the church. 

Anyway, back to the spiritual community. It's easy to notice the typical activities that people within these circles get up to, and to an extent, I do wonder if people just go along with some of them because they're fashionable rather than because it's something that they really love. 
However, I'm not going to lie. I love incense, sage and the like. And I like crystals, even though I'm not convinced that they offer lots of healing properties. They just look nice. And I love dancing. But other things, such as the festivals and quite a few of the healing modalities, are not my thing.

Once I integrate back into a spiritual community, I will be a bit more mindful of the things I choose to participate in. 

Not to deliberately rehash things I've already touched on in earlier blog posts, this personal reset has given me the chance (which I didn't have much choice with) to be brutally honest with myself and to start to work from a more solid foundation. Cause rather than symptom kind of stuff. 

I've based my entire life and identity around Christianity and then spirituality. Now I'm being more real about my neurodiversity - although I don't want to base my life around that .. but it's a bit more of a solid foundation to work from, as is learning more about PTSD and trauma. 

A breakdown is a horrible experience which I wouldn't wish on anyone; what I went through between March and June was absolutely horrendous beyond words. It's just that .. sometimes we need a massive kick up the backside to get our attention. 


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Projection. Something that is absolutely rife in the UK, and probably a lot of other countries. The simple meaning is:  Projecting is  when ...