
Thursday 13 June 2024

2024 - the year life changed forever - mental health and moving back down south

Hello everyone. For those that don't know me (and those that do), my name is Andy. 
For many years, I was involved in Christianity. That all fell apart in 2006. I moved away from my hometown and got involved with self-help groups and eventually the spiritual community. 
Life was usually a bit better during the 17 years I lived in northern England, although I had my moments. 17 years .. that went very quick. 

Fast forward to the beginning of 2024. I had enrolled on a course of sorts a few months ago where I was supposed to learn how to set up a soul centred business. I had also connected with a woman online, long distance. Life was going reasonably well. The previous year (2023) was one of my best. I felt like I was opening up and making some progress. 

Boy, how wrong was I! 

Image courtesy of Flickr

Two months or so later, my plans went up in smoke. I'd had a fairly tough month in February, and I kind of knew that the long distance relationship was in the balance, at best. I'd already paid for a plane ticket .. I rushed into things far too quickly, whilst still being enmeshed in the twin flame nonsense and thinking that God was bringing us together. The things that trauma can do to our brains when it comes to love .. 

On February 29th, I started feeling dizzy on the way home from work. It started whilst I was shopping in Unicorn, the excellent vegan supermarket in Manchester. I thought little of it to begin with, and half expected it to subside. But something in me kind of knew that things were not quite right. I drove home and had another dizzy spell. By the time I was almost home, I got worse. I parked up just in time, otherwise I would have crashed the car. I felt sick and my vision was going round in circles. 

Thank goodness my housemate and his partner were there at the time. 

That was the last day I worked at a job I'd been doing for just over 18 months. I 'manifested' the job just as I moved into Manchester - haha, a bit of spiritual terminology there. But I was initially grateful and enjoyed the first few months at the opticians and was getting on well with my colleagues. 

But it was fairly quiet and easy when I started, due to the hangover post Covid. Once things truly got back to 'normal', it got busier. I was always working on the front desk, and I don't think the boss ever really had any plans to change that. Even someone who I don't know that well said that it wasn't a good job for my personality. It did get pretty stressful. I later found out that my boss, who I seemed to get on well with, was not what I thought she was. I should have questioned her behaviour at times and her constant fall outs with people, but I always believed her side of the story. I don't think that job did me much good at all, at the end. 

My fear of death got triggered and a few days later, my mental condition rapidly deteriorated and thoughts I'd had about hell, wondering if I was evil and just sheer terror, came flooding back. I went to the nearest hospital but walked out in the end because I didn't think they'd be able to help me. That same day, I choose to go missing for three days, sleeping rough in a forest where no-one could find me. I wondered if I had gone to hell and this was it. 

I returned home. Friends and family were relieved that I had been found. But I was in a desperate state and I knew I wasn't going to be better any time soon. I soon ended the online relationship; it had become obvious that it wasn't going to happen. She wanted something which I couldn't give. We did chat for a bit after that but I had to go no contact eventually. It also became clear that the course I had been on was not suitable to me; I was out of my depth. And being honest with myself, I actually did have issues with some of the ways the coaching and self help industry operated - particularly the amounts that some people charge. I'm not one who thinks that acts of service should always be for free - far from it - and people who provide a good service should be able to live comfortably - but I think we all know that some people charge extortionate amounts which the service they provide isn't worth. 

I was not safe living in Manchester and had to come back to live with my parents in April. I was in a truly awful state when I first got there, I'd had the most sickening thoughts and experiences which I wouldn't wish on anyone; they have subsided somewhat, but I am still far from being well. 

I am currently looking into the subject of trauma and PTSD. I now realise how serious my issues actually were and how much I tried to cover them up through religion and spirituality. I really didn't want to face the darkest parts of myself - they are so intense and brutal. I've had to come to terms with the possibility that my issues are too much for me to ever have a loving romantic relationship. And I've got some work to do when it comes to career and money. It does feel like the universe has given me one of the toughest set of cards possible and I certainly wouldn't ever want to go through the same experiences in any other lifetime. 

It also feels like my mission for now is to do my best to face my stuff and recover from it as much as possible. My brain has never functioned well, really. And the religious and spiritual communities don't have the resources to deal with severe trauma and complex PTSD - neither does the NHS. At the moment I'm watching some very useful videos on YouTube and doing whatever else I can to feel a bit better. 

I'm absolutely devastated by everything that has happened and the move back down south meant that I have to start all over again when it comes to friendships. I do know a few people down here, but I am taking things slowly. I have isolated myself with only my parents being a constant, but I am hopefully meeting up with a friend on Sunday. I could hardly speak at one stage because I was so traumatised, and I don't really know what I'll be like socially, but I have to take one step at a time. 

Anyways, I will hopefully be able to update this blog on a reasonably regular basis. 

Peace out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andy I am so sorry to hear that you have been through a really horrible time. You deserve to be happy and relaxed, and content with what life offers you. You wiil get through this, one day, so all you can do it take it one step at a time and enjoy the little pleasures of life.



Projection. Something that is absolutely rife in the UK, and probably a lot of other countries. The simple meaning is:  Projecting is  when ...